Call Us: 905-871-6059

Refugee Reception & Shelter

We have a “No Wrong Door” policy. We welcome all people arriving at our door in search of our assistance.  Needs are assessed within 24 hours and an appropriate course of action is initiated. Emergency needs are expedited and met instantly. We offer the best resources and information available to our diverse clients, empowering them to make a choice and to an informed decision. Serving a wide spectrum of people with different religions and cultures, and backgrounds, we take A “Person–Centred “ approach and tailor make a service plan for every one’s unique needs in collaboration with our clients.

Referrals are made to other helping agencies as needed. Staff at Matthew House act as case managers for this at-risk population and genuinely care about the clients we serve.

Specifically we help our clients begin their formal refugee claim by offering practical support with the following:

  • Legal Aid call
  • New bank account
  • Social services appointment
  • Immigration & general medical appointment
  • Register children schools & adults for ESL classes
  • Work permit application
  • Health card application
  • Passport application
  • Help with inland claim forms
  • Provide interpretation and transport to appointments
  • Transport and accompany clients to Toronto for refugee hearings
  • Child care as clients attend to appointments
  • Information on other helping agencies and warm referrals are made on a regular basis
  • Connection to internet, TV, and phone service providers
  • Orientation to Canadian culture i.e. understanding bills, garbage & recycling etc
  • First grocery shopping experience in Canada
  • Driving licensing & vehicle purchases
  • Family reunions